Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Fourth of July

Many Americans who have lived in the Developing World return to their home country with a host of complaints. 

I, on the other hand, was quite comfortable complaining about my home country long before I ever left it.

But today, I will not complain.

Today, it is fitting to practice gratefulness.

I am grateful to live in a country where the population can take for granted the peaceful transition of political offices;

where anyone of any faith can legally share that faith with anyone else;

where women are relatively liberated and empowered;

where questioning authority is actually encouraged and blind obedience is rarely considered virtuous;

where people with disabilities are not so widely seen as a curse and a shame;

where loved ones can be happily close, but also happily distant;

where young men and young women are unproblematically close friends;

where conversations about sexuality don't have to be whispered;

where communities of theological study abound and are thriving;

where certain tasty foods are not considered unclean;

where jogging is a socially acceptable leisure activity;

where littering is generally frowned upon;

where a closed door is not an invitation;

and, most importantly,

where the grocery store down the street has good ice cream!

1 comment:

  1. The Stells and Heberts ate Ben and Jerry's for you on the 4th. You and Rachel were missed!
